Homecoming 2018
October 1, 2018
Leaning towards the end of the Seahawk football season, comes the favorite game of the year, homecoming. As the players suit up for their big game, students from each class prepare floats for the parade that takes place at halftime. Each class competes to decorate their float with the most school pride and creativity for a $100 prize.
This year we competed against the Nikiski Bulldogs. The sophomore class decorated their float with animal control flyers and t-shirts with the slogan “no bulldogs allowed” as they ran around the track chasing the van with nets. Due to their brilliant idea, they were voted as the winners for the float competition.
After a nail-biting game our own Seahawk football team lost to the Nikiski Bulldogs after the game went into overtime. Our boys were in the lead during the first half of the game and ended up with a tied score, which led to overtime. Unfortunately, the Nikiski Bulldogs overtook us at the last moment.
Once the football game is over, the hype continues as students eat dinner and get ready for the night. At the end of each homecoming football game, there is a dance. This year, the theme was “Black and White,” and it took place in the high school’s cafeteria.
The fun continues throughout the night as students know that things will be back to normal when they head back to school on Monday. This will always be a favorite celebration for Seward High students each year; everyone loves the traditions and excitement of homecoming weekend.
... • Oct 4, 2018 at 9:28 am
Wait! I thought the juniors won?