Superintendent Dusek Visits Seward

Shelly Sewell, Staff Writer

On October 12, 2018, the superintendent of the Kenai Peninsula Borough School District Sean Dusek was here in Seward, Alaska, for the Seward Chamber of Commerce luncheon. Luncheon attendees included the City Council, locals, and the principals of the Seward schools. Dusek spoke to the crowd about recognition of students, teachers, new progress of improvement and future goals, budgeting and objectives for students and teachers in the district.

Riley von Borstel   Photographer: Ashley Jackson

During the time, Dusek proudly gave recognition to Seward’s schools and their achievement.

 “Great kids come from here. That is credit for the community, the parents, and the school staff,” said Dusek. “It’s an honor to work with you all!” 

For instance, Dusek spoke praises for our local senior student Riley von Borstel and  her achievements at the Congress of Future Science and Technology Leaders. He was proud of how Riley was nominated by a Harvard college professor. “That says something when you are from Seward, Alaska, and you’re getting nominated from a pretty high power in this country for being a science and tech leader.”

In addition, Dusek had more recognition for Seward’s teachers and their performance in their classrooms. The acknowledgement staff include middle school science teacher Carlyn Nichols, elementary school teacher Erin Flowers, and distance education teacher Kim Leslie. 

Nichols is a BP Teacher of Excellence and a Seward High School graduate. Nichols has expanded the depth of science at middle school level, and is looked at as a leader across the district.

Photograph: Caryln Nichols ; this picture of Carlyn Nichols
Carlyn Nichols

“Caryln works hard to meet the individual need of a child,” said Dusek. “She is able to take concepts that you have to know and are very basic and make it exciting!”

Kim Leslie

Kim Leslie houses her distance education office at Seward High School. Leslie teaches kids across the district, and works with them to reach individual needs of each student.

“She is helping drive that model forward,” said Dusek

Erin Flowers teaches  third and fourth grade. Flowers has split-level classes to implement personalized learning for the children’s individual needs.

“She is appropriately grouping kids,” said Dusek.”She has kids working with kids.”

Dusek will be returning for another meeting in early 2019. We appreciate the plans he has for improvements and future goals for the students of Seward.