Seward Supports Indonesia

Sophia Dow, Staff

On September 28th, 2018, a 7.5 magnitude earthquake hit Sulawesi, an Indonesian island, and sent a tsunami smashing into the city of Palu. A tsunami warning was originally issued; however, tragically, this was cancelled after the water was believed to have receded. Because of the canceled tsunami warning, an evacuation did not take place. Over 60,000 people have been forced from their homes, and the death toll continues to rise due to starvation and lack of basic necessities.

Indonesian exchange student Jessica Batubara wishes to help her country by holding a shelterbox fundraiser dinner, November 16th, from 6:30-8:30pm, at Seward Resurrection Lutheran Church. A shelterbox is a box containing survival items such as tents, pots and pans, a life straw, and other tools. One of these boxes costs $1000.

The dinner will consist of a three-course traditional Indonesian meal, and costs $25 per ticket. Throughout the dinner, Batubara will share an informative presentation about Indonesia and the devastating effects of the tsunami. If people cannot attend the dinner, donations can still be made in the link to the paypal account below (please include “shelterbox” in your transfer.)

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To buy tickets visit:

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