The End

May 16, 2020
The time has come–high school has ended for me. The house is being packed as I type this, and the world seems to be opening back up. When I first moved to Seward, I never thought that I would call this place home, but that changed. I started to make friends, figure out the things that I liked doing around here, and the things I didn’t like.
One thing that stuck with me, even after each move, is my love for baking. Last year, I worked at J-Dock. Not having worked in that type of atmosphere before, it took me some time to get along with the captains and deckhands. In the hope to seem nicer, I decided that one night I would bake them all muffins and deliver them before they left for the day. Baking has always brought me closer to others.
One of my absolute favorite things to bake is cinnamon rolls. The sweet glaze with the gooey center makes me wish that I had made some. I didn’t make this recipe since all of my pans are being wrapped up in paper right now, but I have made them before. Last August, I made them with Lindy on a random Wednesday and then again for the National FFA Convention towards the end of October.
For me, baking is how I relax. I can’t wait for the movers to be gone, so I can start baking my favorite things again. Crazy to think that four years ago I didn’t know this town at all and now I am staying for the summer before heading off to my next adventure in Montana.
Lindy • May 24, 2020 at 4:00 pm
You make the best cinnamon rolls! I’m so glad we got to bake together, and I love how kind and generous you are with everyone you know. Amazing article!