Great OJT Opportunity Part 3

Gunnar Davis

Sam Koster started his OJT in the beginning of the school year working for Catalyst Marine. Catalyst provides the following services: vessel repair, metal fabrication, water jet cutting and design. All of these are great things to know or to start learning. There are always going to be fields to go into involving these skills.


I asked Sam what his main role was at Catalyst. He explained that his job was to basically run around and help with everything and anything that he possibly could. I asked him if he was considering working there once school ended. Sam told me that he planned on sticking with it all summer until he, more than likely, has to leave for school in the fall.


While Sam and I were discussing our shop time experiences, we both shared a common respect for the people we worked with. Sam was telling me all about this guy named Johnny who always has the wildest stories. And most of the guys he works with like to ride snow machines as well, and sometimes they all go ride together. Being able to have friends in the workplace makes life and work so much easier and enjoyable.


I also asked him how he could move up the chain as far as jobs and better pay go. He told me that it mostly consists of just being certified or not, when it comes to most jobs there. However, overall Sam is enjoying what he is doing at Catalyst and is excited for the future. After graduation, Sam will be attending college at Western Colorado University where he will be studying mechanical engineering.