Zia Patricia


Wren Dougherty

This one and a half year old, brown-eyed girl will always have a special place in my heart. Her hair fades fabulously from black to tan while resting down her back. It is easy to see where Zia got her beauty; her mother is quite the catch herself. My oldest sister, Iris, is the mother of the ever so special Zia. I am forever grateful to my sister for blessing our family with a sweet baby girl. 

Just ten minutes with Zia ensures happiness. She love s to play, cuddle, go on hikes, and walk along the waterfront. Lately, Iris drops Zia off at my house on her way to work. Zia heads straight to the bedroom, where she knows I am resting peacefully. Zia bounces on the bed, then kisses my cheeks until I finally crawl out of bed. Throughout my entire morning routine she is at my feet. Often, Zia and I share food; her favorites include chicken, cheese, and ice cream. 

After breakfast, we love to walk together. While strolling along the waterfront, we usually run into new people. Zia views new people as new friends. Some of this precious girl’s favorite friends are puppies; she loses her mind every time we see one. Her kind, accepting personality is truly inspiring. Zia directly reflects Iris’s amazing mothering skills. I hope someday Zia gets to be a big sister, and I hope that day is soon. I love Zia Patricia Polito, and I am excited to spend the winter with her.