Senior Spotlight with Rowan Bean

Senior Spotlight with Rowan Bean

Genna DeRoos, Staff Writer

Rowan Bean is student body president, president of the pride club, yearbook editor, and a part of many other extracurriculars offered  at SHS. This wasn’t just a typical interview. I wanted to go more in depth with my peers, to be able to get a different perspective. Some questions you might already know the answers to, and some you may not. 

This fall, Rowan will attend Portland State University where she will be studying communications or women’s studies with a minor in film. With these degrees, she plans on traveling around the world promoting businesses and organizations that benefit the communities. When it comes to women’s studies, she feels very passionate about activism. She chose Portland state also for the fact that Portland has multiple communities she feels a part of, and the DoorDash is a plus too. 

Rowan does not see herself permanently living in Seward ever again, but plans to come back every summer to work in her parents’ restaurant. She’s ready for a change. She especially feels this way because rumors spread fast in this town, so a fresh start in a new location will provide that opportunity. Seward is very restricted from the rest of the world due to its isolated location.

Some facts about Rowan Bean are that she is very afraid of spiders and the feeling of losing her loved ones. When asked What’s the most sensible thing you’ve ever heard someone say?, her response was, “You can love someone and still let them go.” When I heard that, I saw it as a lesson you can take towards friendships, family, and relationships. I also asked her Are you a hero or a follower? Her response was, “I like to stand up for myself and others, but I am a follower right now. At this age in life, I don’t even know how to be a hero.” 

Rowan has big plans for the future, and I and many of her peers are excited to see where the journey of life takes her. Good luck, Rowan.