For the past two weeks, Seward High School’s culinary class has been baking, shaping, and decorating gingerbread houses. Today, we will hear their final thoughts as they prepare to be judged by the staff
Sophomores Maddie Haas, Makena DesErmia and Emily Anger won spent countless hours outside of class time working on their gingerbread house. They are most poroud of their realistic windows made out of gelatin sheets. They admited that their biggest struggle was assembling the pieces after making some wrong measurements.
Senior Stella Dow and Sophomores Lucy Bamford and Olivia Jones also dedicated their hearts and souls into their gingerbread. Their favorite part of the colorful house is the intricate tiling on the roof made out of mini starbursts. They were especailly nervous when putting on the roof since it kept sliding off.
Juniors Micah Dixon and Nia Mulholland-Kim, Sophomores Grace Schafermeyer and Kaylynn Reed and Freshman Rayna Manolakakis battled with their house’s warped roof but managed to turn it into a a beautiful, winterous look.
Unfortanatley, for sophomores Aksel Unrein, Olive Johnson and Evelyn Zinis, their house was repeatedly sabotaged. However, they are impresed with their sturdy foundation. Aksel said, “I feel like I can punch it, and it would break my hand.”
Sophomores Emerson Cross, Milo Antrim and Dillon Huffman love the reindeers they iced onto the walls . They all mentioned that it was especially difficult to measure and cut the pieces to the right size as it was an incredibley intricate process.
Gracie Russell • Dec 15, 2023 at 12:41 pm
Ok baddies